We've lived here for 3years and when we moved tried to register at the Jenner where several of our neighbours are registered, We were then told we were only eligible to join one surgery which is in Sydenham and had less than glowing reviews but in view of the fact it was the only choice we had joined the practise.
In the past two years I've been 3 times and have never seen the same gp, last visit I saw a lovely lady doctor who said if I wished I could always request to see her.
Phoned today to make an appointment..was told no appointments for two weeks, asked for the doctor I wished to see..was told no appointments available for her at all, said I wished to see a female doctor at which point the male receptionist asked me what i wanted to see the doctor for, This made me feel really uncomfortable as I didn't wish to discuss things with the receptionist. Anyway I was offered an appointment with a female doctor I've never seen for two weeks time, this is a day time appointment so I asked if there were any evening appointments as I work.
I was told there were none but perhaps I could ring again in two weeks when some 'MAY' be available.
I've heard rumours that we may now be able to pick a GP outside of our area, does anyone know if this is so?
OR any ideas if I can demand to move to another surgery due to having no trust in my current practise (too much to go into here but I've only once had a good experience with a doctor there..the other times resulted in forgotten referrals, repeat prescriptions not being sent out on time etc etc)