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Forum thread viewing problems
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Posts: 1,099
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Post: #1
04-07-2011 06:48 PM

Does anyone have the same problem as me where I get a notification for a reply to a thread on email, then click on the link and I can't see it, unless someone else posts to it as well?

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Posts: 1,111
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Post: #2
04-07-2011 07:56 PM

I sometimes get notifications of a reply to a thread where the poster is pre-mod or banned so their post never gets as far as the forum. I sometimes get a 'page does not exist' message when I clicked on the link, but these days it usually just goes to the last existing post.

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Posts: 1,099
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Post: #3
04-07-2011 07:58 PM

That may explain some of my problems, yet in the Forest Hill Station (Phase 3) thread tonight, I couldn't see the previous post until Londonerz replied.

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Posts: 373
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Post: #4
04-07-2011 08:51 PM

I have received several e-mail notifications about new posts and responses that then do not appear in the forum and never do so.

It is evident that there is no systemic error or software bug at work here and the frequency of these occurences is greater than one would expect.

I have written these examples off to my own similar experiences where the sole arbiter of "moderation" on this forum unilaterally and without explanation or the courtesy of a notification simply expunges some threads and posts.

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Post: #5
05-07-2011 10:37 AM

I wondered what had happened to the Hills & Parkes thread.......

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Post: #6
05-07-2011 10:41 PM

Jgdoherty, you should demand a refund.

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Posts: 373
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Post: #7
05-07-2011 11:09 PM

Thank you for your kind advice.

A simple explanation of the forum rules and policies and specifically how moderators are appointed and comply with those rules and policies would suffice.

I firmly believe that the expectation of courtesy in the form of a notification is just a step too far on my part.

As for demand - I think we should be told why you think any part of the subscription is refundable.

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Post: #8
06-07-2011 08:16 AM

Moderators aren't appointed, Admin owns the site. His house, his rules. It sort of feels like it's a public service, and that there should be accountability, but that isn't the case.

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Posts: 373
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Post: #9
08-07-2011 11:35 AM

Are we expected to utter "baaaa-aaah" in gratitude at this point to secure our continued permission to post here.

Bah-humbug may be more appropriate.

And just-in-case this is my last permitted utterance here, I would like to thank

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Post: #10
08-07-2011 01:12 PM

No one has the right to post here. It's not a public service, it's a private enterprise. Anyone can set up a forum and run it how they like. Admin could close this forum tomorrow if he likes, or limit it to just his mates if he wants. Where do people think these forums come from, public-spirited community fairies?

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Posts: 373
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Post: #11
08-07-2011 02:53 PM


It is a commercial enterprise.

It sells advertisements.

The enterprise is based on an invite to post to the Sections and to make contributions to support "our" board and contributors are called members.

Many contributors invest time and effort to share valuable pieces of local information with other members. I suspect this attracts a significant proportion of visitors and guests to the forum. Thus advertisers benefit from the increased number of views.

Whilst I am sure others here will appreciate your viewpoint, there is no ulterior motive on my part in discussing the fact that incidents, of the type decribed here before, do happen.

I do not recall invoking any "rights" or threatening to revoke anyone else's either.

I do hold the firm view that board owners must protect themselves from legal action brought on by posters being libellous and the like, or who cause damage.

That need is very different however from the facts that we have no moderation rules or guidelines beyond a general reference to Wikiedia within which we can post. Members also need to know that they can and will have individual posts deleted or indeed have their forum contributions embargoed as a whole.

"Admin" de facto knows this. He runs it this way unapologetically and with very little comment and without malice. This does not mean however that this position is free of any critique that refers to the absences described nor does it mean that these matters cannot be aired here.

It is almost certain that "admin" will not be swayed by any proposal that would sustantally reduce the number of visitors to this Forum and potentially reduce the revenue.

There is not a lot I can do if you did not enjoy an attempt to put a lighter, comical spin n the critique but that's life.

How many public-spirited community fairies do you know?

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Post: #12
08-07-2011 03:21 PM

jgdoherty - I don't disagree with anything in your last post at all. It makes perfect sense for an admin to run a forum in a way that will attract and retain users. I would also agree that not all admins do. Clear terms and conditions, and the courtesy of an explanation when posts and threads are removed are standard on most boards and helps users feel at home and indeed welcome.

My initial response was to your query about how moderators are 'appointed' - I was merely pointing out that there are no moderators on this board, it is run by a single admin. This admin does not chose to notify people when posts and threads are removed. That's his prerogative. I didn't say I thought it was a good way to run a forum. Admin here know when I disagree with him, as I email him to let him know. But I'm not running this forum, he is and like I said, his house, his rules. It wasn't an endorsement, more a statement of fact.

Sorry if I didn't pick up on any intended levity in your post.

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