Received from Forest Hill Police.
Good News Story
On Thursday 30th July 2015 officers from Forest Hill SNT attended Miriam Lodge assisting staff in a joint community event that had been arranged with members of the Holy Trinity Church. An afternoon Tea was organised so officers, residents from the hostel and the church members could meet and speak with members of the local community. It was a well received event and a great opportunity for officers from Forest Hill SNT to engage with both residents of Miriam Lodge, members of the Holy Trinity Church and local residents.
You Said, We Listened, We Did
Complaints have again been raised by local residents concerning the number of "street drinkers" acting anti-socially in the town centre, the behaviour appearing to centre around the two betting shops. We have Identified a number of offenders and confiscated both open and unopened alcohol canister’s from them when they have acted anti-socially. These individuals have then been encouraged to leave the immediate area. Any individual found acting anti-socially can be given an on the spot fine of £60 as long as they are not drunk given Forest Hill, like the rest of Lewisham is subject to a Designated Public Place Order. A 27 year old male often responsible for such behaviour has this month received a 3 year prison sentence for an unrelated matter.
Crime Prevention Advice
Forest Hill has recently suffered an slight increase in the number of shed burglaries in the last month. Garden sheds are a very popular target with burglars and are often overlooked when security is being considered. The value of the contents, such as garden mowers, strimmer’s and cycles can often add up to many hundreds of pounds. It is therefore wise to secure the shed door with at least one heavy-duty hasp and closed-shackle padlock type locking mechanism. The door itself should be mounted on strong hinges that are secured with coach bolts or clutch-head screws, as ordinary fixings can be easily unscrewed or pulled apart and all opening windows require good window locks. If you never open them, consider screwing them permanently shut . If you require any advice on this or any other matter please contact us on 020 8721 2723 or