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Poll: Should dogs be walked on leads/poop be cleaned up
Always when in public
Not when there is no one about
Never, its cruel
Poop is biodegradable
Poop should always be cleaned up
Only if its on the pavement, not grass
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Dog walker/owners in SE23
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Post: #1
22-01-2008 04:13 PM

Hey, I just thought I would ask the question of how many people have dogs, and walk them around the local streets.

We have an Alaskan Malamute, which usually when walking gets 1 of 2 reactions.... "awww a husky" or "eeek its a wolf" He is in fact neither Smile

So if you see us out and about and fancy saying hi, feel free to. He is very approachable but still a pup and a bit excitable. (pic below)

While on the subject, the main point of the question is a hot topic elsewhere.

When you walk your dog, or see dogs being walked... Should they be on leads at all time in public? I will keep my opinion to myself for now, just wanted to put the question in the pot.
Also, who leaves poop behind! We always clean up Smile

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Post: #2
22-01-2008 04:16 PM

Oh the poll you can vote on both topics Smile

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Post: #3
22-01-2008 04:36 PM

Makes a leftfield change to the usual bluster Snazy. Not sure who you think's going to agree people should leave behind their unleashed doggy's doodoos but I like your style.

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Post: #4
22-01-2008 04:55 PM

I don't have a dog but I do walk my sister's when up in Scotland.

She (and I) are firm believers that poop should be picked up whether on the pavement, on grass verges, in parks, in nature reserves and even in the back garden. There's nothing more unpleasant than you or your dog walking through grass and skidding on poop. And completely unnecessary - it's not that difficult to pick up in a plastic bag and dispose of accordingly.

On the lead front, I do think it depends. Her dog is leash on while walking anywhere near a road but he is allowed 'off' to run around in parks etc. Having said that, it's only in quiet parks where there aren't lots of people around to knock over or kids that might be scared. And if she sees people up ahead, she'll call him back to heel in case they're nervous. And he's a bouncy, friendly retriever as opposed to something aggressive with drooling fangs... ;p

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Post: #5
22-01-2008 05:36 PM

vipes wrote:
Makes a leftfield change to the usual bluster Snazy. Not sure who you think's going to agree people should leave behind their unleashed doggy's doodoos but I like your style.

lol thanks, I like to be different Smile
I guess not many would admit doing it, but from the walks we take there is plenty of it about, so some people clearly think its fine Sad

Applespider, fair enough. My concern with dogs off leads is the way people, certainly round here and in Mayow Park let them roam free, then just say "its ok he's fine"
OK but if their dog approaches mine, out of control and gets bitten.......... I get the blame Sad (hasn't happened by the way)

Also some people are genuinly terrified of dogs, so telling someone from 50ft away that the dog is fine does not help them.

As long as the owner is responsible, as you sound you are when up there walking the dog, then all is well. Just seems there are so many ignorant people about these days.

Gripe over lol.

A lot of people tend to call their dog back when we are walking Tuvaaq, I guess its something about his physical appearance

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Post: #6
22-01-2008 05:36 PM

People who own dogs who don't pick their dogs' c**p up after them are lazy, selfish and irresponsible, and shouldn't be allowed to keep dogs. I'm sure they don't c**p on the street themselves, so why let their dog do it?

I'm sick and tired of owners letting their dogs dump on the street outside my house, on some occasions right outside the front gate! Clearly that's not acceptable.

I know that it is only the tiny majority that do this, but i'm afraid it lets all dog owners down.

Rant over. I do actually quite like dogs.


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Post: #7
22-01-2008 05:38 PM

kingkong wrote:
People who own dogs who don't pick their dogs' ***** up after them are lazy, selfish and irresponsible, and shouldn't be allowed to keep dogs. I'm sure they don't ***** on the street themselves, so why let their dog do it?

I'm sick and tired of owners letting their dogs dump on the street outside my house, on some occasions right outside the front gate! Clearly that's not acceptable.

I know that it is only the tiny majority that do this, but i'm afraid it lets all dog owners down.

Rant over. I do actually quite like dogs.


Fair play, and good on you for getting that off your chest Smile
I totally agree with the sentiment of that.

The poll results are quite interesting. Would be interested on hearing the views of those thinking the opposite to the majority.

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Post: #8
22-01-2008 05:56 PM

My view as a former dog owner is that there is no excuse for poop being left behind. But there appear to be plenty of dog owners in the Honor Oak area that don't bother with the scooping after the pooping - the pavements along Garthorne Road and Grierson Road are disgraceful. I've never caught anyone in the act of not scooping which might suggest that whoever they are walks their dog(s) early morning or late at night. I like to think that if I saw it happening I would say something to the owner, especially given that there are little signs on all the lampposts that warn of the potential consequences (?1000 fine I think). But I suspect that wouldn't make much of a difference, other than making me feel better. The Council have obviously made an attempt to address the issue as shown by the presence of the signs, but it doesn't seem to be enforced. Is there anything else that can be done (either by fed up individuals or the Council) or do we just have to resign ourselves to filthy pavements?

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Post: #9
22-01-2008 05:58 PM

voyager3 wrote:
My view as a former dog owner is that there is no excuse for poop being left behind. But there appear to be plenty of dog owners in the Honor Oak area that don't bother with the scooping after the pooping - the pavements along Garthorne Road and Grierson Road are disgraceful. I've never caught anyone in the act of not scooping which might suggest that whoever they are walks their dog(s) early morning or late at night. I like to think that if I saw it happening I would say something to the owner, especially given that there are little signs on all the lampposts that warn of the potential consequences (?1000 fine I think). But I suspect that wouldn't make much of a difference, other than making me feel better. The Council have obviously made an attempt to address the issue as shown by the presence of the signs, but it doesn't seem to be enforced. Is there anything else that can be done (either by fed up individuals or the Council) or do we just have to resign ourselves to filthy pavements?

I have to agree. Its not hard to carry a small bag with you, I carry multiple bags. But am shocked at the amount of the stuff all over the floor.
I guess its so minor its hard to follow up on, unless of course there are people taking their dog to the same spot each time.

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Post: #10
22-01-2008 06:03 PM

Whatever happened to the phantom poop flagger of Honor Oak?
I always suspected Big Julie.

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Post: #11
22-01-2008 06:13 PM

Non-scoopers should have their noses rubbed in it (said slightly in jest).

voyager3 wrote:
The pavements along Garthorne Road and Grierson Road are disgraceful. I've never caught anyone in the act of not scooping which might suggest that whoever they are walks their dog(s) early morning or late at night. I like to think that if I saw it happening I would say something to the owner, especially given that there are little signs on all the lampposts that warn of the potential consequences (?1000 fine I think). But I suspect that wouldn't make much of a difference, other than making me feel better. The Council have obviously made an attempt to address the issue as shown by the presence of the signs, but it doesn't seem to be enforced. Is there anything else that can be done (either by fed up individuals or the Council) or do we just have to resign ourselves to filthy pavements?

Just last week I emailed the Crofton Park ward councillors (see here) about the festival of poo on Grierson Road I got a reply from Councillor Addison who had this to say:

Councillor Addison wrote:
To be honest you are the first person that I have heard or has complained to me about dogs' mess probably in the last 10 years or even longer. It was a big problem in the past and we were the first borough to get "pooper-scooters" as used in Paris. We had two special motor cycles that could get access to difficult places and they used to suck up the mess into a special tank and then spray the area with disinfectant. Since then we have introduced have by-laws on dog fouling etc and fine offending whenever possible. I must confess I am always surprised at the number of people I see picking up their dogs mess, which shows that the system has produced results.

I think the problem is a local one. The sweeping in the area where you live has deteriorated since they had a new road sweeper. Following complaints his supervisor promised to monitor his work and things did appear to get better. However following yesterday's e mails a different sweeper has been installed on this beat and will be closely monitored so hopefully there will be an improvement. However I would be grateful if you could keep an eye on the situation and e mail me as if it does not improve. The road should be swept twice a week.

I saw a Lewisham road cleaning crew shoveling up a monumental turd at the top of Parbury Road yesterday but since most of the offending piles hide in the shadow of trees or lamp-posts I think their chances of spotting them from the cab of a truck as they drive down the road are pretty slim. They certainly missed plenty on the non-railway side of Grierson Road yesterday.

I suggest you email your councillor and ask them to bug Lewisham environment.

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Post: #12
22-01-2008 07:35 PM

Poop should always be scooped, if possible. However, can I add a gripe from all gardeners about cat poo in freshly dug vegetable patches (also obliterating all the seedlings in the process). I appreciate owners can't do anything about it, but its still annoying.

P.S. I am a former cat owner, so have nothing against cats, before the howls of protest!!

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Post: #13
22-01-2008 08:03 PM

And what do you plan to do with people who drop glass bottles on the pavement?
I think broken glass is more serious/dangerous.

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Post: #14
22-01-2008 08:33 PM

Sherwood wrote:
And what do you plan to do with people who drop glass bottles on the pavement?
I think broken glass is more serious/dangerous.

Only if you are walking barefoot ....

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Post: #15
22-01-2008 08:34 PM

Or if you are a dog and don't habitually wear shoes, I suppose. On the other hand, you could say it was payback for all the poo....

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Post: #16
22-01-2008 08:45 PM

I guess its about being responsible really.
A drunk with his Stella does not really care nor know right from wrong, but should still be accountable.

Broken glass is a pain when walking the dog at night, hard to see, especially with some of the street lights out!

Speaking of dog walking, im off for a stroll now, so if you live on Sunderland, Church Rise, Perry Vale, Waldram Park, Stansted Rd etc, I might see ya Smile

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Post: #17
22-01-2008 10:14 PM

michael wrote:
Whatever happened to the phantom poop flagger of Honor Oak?
I always suspected Big Julie.

I strenuously deny it. I was merely the messenger. I kind of miss the flagger though...I still keep my eyes open in case I come across one of the wonderful works of art. Maybe one day the flagger will return, unfinished business eh? so here is a reminder of a couple of classics.

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Post: #18
22-01-2008 10:19 PM

bigjulie wrote:

michael wrote:
Whatever happened to the phantom poop flagger of Honor Oak?
I always suspected Big Julie.

I strenuously deny it. I was merely the messenger. I kind of miss the flagger though...I still keep my eyes open in case I come across one of the wonderful works of art. Maybe one day the flagger will return, unfinished business eh? so here is a reminder of a couple of classics.

Brings a new meaning to c**p art eh!

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