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  Thread: Mugged on Garthorne Rd
Post: RE: Mugged on Garthorne Rd

that's my road, horrible :thumbdown: Unfortunately as the prices keep going up, more and more affluent people are moving into the area, so this only going to increase. Hope you are ok
Southlonder SE23 Topics 12 14,607 01-08-2014, 01:26 PM
  Thread: Alarming house prices!
Post: RE: Alarming house prices!

Yep agreed
Southlonder Wider Topics 72 69,910 17-06-2014, 07:22 AM
  Thread: Alarming house prices!
Post: RE: Alarming house prices!

I have another property in FH that I rent out but I'm not moving back, no chance. I was born in Kent so although I've lived in London for 20 years, I always thought I'd move on. I expect the majori...
Southlonder Wider Topics 72 69,910 17-06-2014, 06:01 AM
  Thread: Alarming house prices!
Post: RE: Alarming house prices!

well I have jut cashed in my chips and have bought a huge double fronted Victorian house with separate 1200 square foot office barn for £200k less than the £800k I just sold my house in HOP for, in a ...
Southlonder Wider Topics 72 69,910 14-06-2014, 11:14 AM
  Thread: To the owners of the pizza place @ The Old Bank
Post: To the owners of the pizza place @ The Old Bank

It has been weeks since you opened. Can I suggest that you buy some paint, paint over "The Old Bank". Then paint your new name, and remove references to "Italian Restaurant" It isn't rocket science, ...
Southlonder SE23 Topics 35 38,671 11-04-2014, 12:32 PM
  Thread: Dirt on cars
Post: RE: Dirt on cars

[b]"I have come to work to get away from it all! "[/b] which is where everyone should be. Ive had plenty of complaints about builders making noise at my property over the years. It is always during t...
Southlonder SE23 Topics 6 7,024 02-04-2014, 12:34 PM
  Thread: Alarming house prices!
Post: RE: Alarming house prices!

5 bedders have now cracked the £800k mark, amazing :thumbsup:
Southlonder Wider Topics 72 69,910 17-03-2014, 02:27 PM
  Thread: Planning: 2-4 London Road FH (Launderette)
Post: RE: Planning: 2-4 London Road FH (Launderette)

"It is a shame, but not a disaster. It was always a long shot to hope that a launderette would be protected by policies meant to protect A1, even when there is a serious shortage in the core shoppin...
Southlonder SE23 Topics 156 159,471 05-03-2014, 01:41 PM
  Thread: Alarming house prices!
Post: RE: Alarming house prices!

"House prices are alarming across London - the average price of four bed houses is now £500,000 to £600,000! I've lived in HOP and Forest Hill for 11 years now, I have friends here and I love the area...
Southlonder Wider Topics 72 69,910 05-03-2014, 01:38 PM
  Thread: Shops, pubs, restaurants, etc
Post: RE: 76-78 Honor Oak Park (ex Old Bank)

why have the new owners of Sodo a) not changed the exterior signage, and b) not bothered to repaint the front door. They seem to have spent an eternity decorating the interior.... Odd. :confused:
Southlonder Wider Topics 301 252,300 02-03-2014, 09:49 PM
  Thread: Shops, pubs, restaurants, etc
Post: RE: 76-78 Honor Oak Park (ex Old Bank)

great to hear Donde was packed, that is still my fav place, love it in there, just so relaxed, great food and PINTS! :thumbup:
Southlonder Wider Topics 301 252,300 14-02-2014, 08:50 AM
  Thread: Shops, pubs, restaurants, etc
Post: RE: 76-78 Honor Oak Park (ex Old Bank)

why haven't they changed the outside signage yet, after all those weeks spent doing up the inside, seems weird to have left the outside?
Southlonder Wider Topics 301 252,300 13-02-2014, 07:04 PM
  Thread: Parking controls in HOP
Post: RE: Parking controls in HOP

frankly although it does irk me, the weekends are car free on Garthorne Road, and I always get to park outside my house, and my car stays there all week when I am on the office. Actually what REALLY ...
Southlonder SE23 Topics 27 25,400 19-01-2014, 10:48 AM
  Thread: House prices in Forest Hill - are they *definitely* on the up?
Post: RE: House prices in Forest Hill - are they *defini...

prices are only going to go one way, and they are not inflated. Not at least when comparing to those areas which FH still serves in an overspill capacity. I know for a fact that my own property would ...
Southlonder SE23 Topics 48 64,525 17-01-2014, 01:50 PM
  Thread: Parking controls in HOP
Post: RE: Parking controls in HOP

sorry to be the bringer of bad news but I have been told that it will be 2-3 years before controlled parking will be reviewed in HOP, it isn't seen as a high priority. I know this because I am equa...
Southlonder SE23 Topics 27 25,400 17-01-2014, 01:47 PM
  Thread: FH is amazing, what do you think would make the area better than it is allready!
Post: RE: FH is amazing, what do you think would make th...

A cinema instead of a weatherspoons
Southlonder SE23 Topics 47 41,534 17-12-2013, 04:44 PM
  Thread: Pub opening hours on Christmas Day
Post: RE: Pub opening hours on Christmas Day

pubs should be closed on Christmas day :thumbdown:
Southlonder SE23 Topics 6 11,183 14-12-2013, 10:36 AM
  Thread: 76-78 Honor Oak Park (ex Old Bank)
Post: RE: Planning: 76-78 Honor Oak Park (was The Old Ba...

"Definitely makes all the campaigning against Domino's worth while, well done everybody, this is so great for Honor Oak Park" well said, too right :thumbup:
Southlonder SE23 Topics 736 720,792 11-12-2013, 10:23 AM
  Thread: 76-78 Honor Oak Park (ex Old Bank)
Post: RE: Planning: 76-78 Honor Oak Park (was The Old Ba...

its quite amusing that a trendy hackney restaurant is coming down here too. I might need to invest in a porkpie hat...
Southlonder SE23 Topics 736 720,792 09-12-2013, 04:06 PM
  Thread: 76-78 Honor Oak Park (ex Old Bank)
Post: RE: Planning: 76-78 Honor Oak Park (was The Old Ba...

amazing news. We should help them promote the business on here and socially, we will all want them to succeed of course :thumbsup:
Southlonder SE23 Topics 736 720,792 09-12-2013, 03:22 PM
  Thread: 76-78 Honor Oak Park (ex Old Bank)
Post: RE: Planning: 76-78 Honor Oak Park (was The Old Ba...

any more news on this?
Southlonder SE23 Topics 736 720,792 03-12-2013, 09:12 AM
  Thread: 76-78 Honor Oak Park (ex Old Bank)
Post: RE: Planning: 76-78 Honor Oak Park (ex Old Bank)

i'd rather have a dominos than a bank, that would be blooming useless?!
Southlonder SE23 Topics 736 720,792 21-11-2013, 11:42 AM
  Thread: 76-78 Honor Oak Park (ex Old Bank)
Post: RE: Planning: 76-78 Honor Oak Park (ex Old Bank)

ok well at least we know it is genuinely under offer. Whatever it is it can't be worse than it being empty!
Southlonder SE23 Topics 736 720,792 21-11-2013, 10:56 AM
  Thread: Forest Hill: cheap (apparently) but not for long!
Post: RE: Forest Hill: cheap (apparently) but not for lo...

there aren't hardly any 2 bed flats in SE23 for sale and first time borrowing is up 37% YoY hence the big jumps in prices
Southlonder SE23 Topics 10 10,492 21-11-2013, 10:45 AM
  Thread: 76-78 Honor Oak Park (ex Old Bank)
Post: RE: Planning: 76-78 Honor Oak Park (ex Old Bank)

interestingly it isn't on their site any longer? I was there yesterday but not today. Anyone spoken to Acorn yet?
Southlonder SE23 Topics 736 720,792 21-11-2013, 10:41 AM
  Thread: A plan to save the Honor Oak pub?
Post: RE: A plan to save the Honor Oak pub?

"that is amazing work. can we do this for the old bank? " Given the building is vacant presumably it wont be possible to add this to the list of assets of community value Michael? I would dearly...
Southlonder SE23 Topics 108 130,162 18-11-2013, 03:56 PM
  Thread: Nice Sunday Drives To The Countryside
Post: RE: Nice Sunday Drives To The Countryside

Whitstible is fantastic. The best place to visit for a walk, and which is only 40min from Brockley Rise is somewhere I am pleased to say isn't on your lists ;)
Southlonder Wider Topics 13 23,750 09-11-2013, 03:48 PM
  Thread: A plan to save the Honor Oak pub?
Post: RE: A plan to save the Honor Oak pub?

good points about the Napier, which as a resident of Garthorne Road is what 200m from me. I actually went there a lot before I got kids, but if that turned into a gastro I would spend money there. H...
Southlonder SE23 Topics 108 130,162 04-10-2013, 01:09 PM
  Thread: A plan to save the Honor Oak pub?
Post: RE: A plan to save the Honor Oak pub?

I would be more inclined to support a similar project for the Old Bank if i'm honest, sorry. Given that corner is what I would consider to be the grottiest part of SE23, are you sure this is a viable ...
Southlonder SE23 Topics 108 130,162 03-10-2013, 12:23 PM
  Thread: Ex Honor Oak Pub
Post: RE: Honor Oak Pub now has squatters

Hmm surpring given the law changes dont they realise that they face jail? There are some well documented cases recently where this has happened oh well they must be morons :rolleyes:
Southlonder SE23 Topics 22 24,986 26-09-2013, 11:11 AM
  Thread: looking for a good local children's party venue
Post: looking for a good local children's party venue

Could anyone recommend a local one to me? Needs to have an alcohol license for the guests cheers
Southlonder Offered, Wanted, Lost & Found 0 3,422 26-09-2013, 08:09 AM
  Thread: Anyone peeked into the new HOP Sainsburys?
Post: RE: Anyone peeked into the new HOP Sainsburys?

My wife reports that the HOP is cheaper for a number of items, and I will continue to buy my booze from him, The offie down from him will shut hopefully, horrible place, although he may get more bu...
Southlonder SE23 Topics 43 39,409 16-09-2013, 08:24 AM
  Thread: Old Bank should be a quality gastro pub
Post: RE: Old Bank should be a quality gastro pub

do we actually know who this landlord is? My wife is related to the agents who this person used to try and impose that dominos pizza on us, so I will try and find out. This person needs to be conta...
Southlonder SE23 Topics 20 24,427 14-09-2013, 08:08 AM
  Thread: Anyone peeked into the new HOP Sainsburys?
Post: Anyone peeked into the new HOP Sainsburys?

Looks surprisingly big in there, getting so excited I might pee! :thumbsup:
Southlonder SE23 Topics 43 39,409 03-09-2013, 08:29 AM
  Thread: 'Pub' premises
Post: RE: 'Pub' premises

HOP has the fantastic Try which is effectively a gastropub, and the Hop Scotch serves draft beers and my wife and I intent to go there tonight in fact. I do agree however that the Old Bank should r...
Southlonder SE23 Topics 7 9,588 29-08-2013, 06:00 PM
  Thread: Volunteers wanted for Town Team
Post: RE: Volunteers wanted for Town Team

for those who don't attend could we still contribute to the discussions? For example I would love to for example raise the profile of the wetherspoons in Forest Hill. I bet that building could be turn...
Southlonder Wider Topics 24 26,693 19-08-2013, 01:01 PM
  Thread: New Sainsburys, 55-59 Honor Oak Park
Post: RE: Planning: 55-59 Honor Oak Park (ex Honor Oak T...

All those shops on the parade need to seriously shape up. Twas the wife's birthday yesterday and I figured I could get some decent pate from Hills & Parkes (it was shut at 6.10pm), and some fizz fr...
Southlonder SE23 Topics 349 369,629 06-08-2013, 11:44 AM
  Thread: House prices in Forest Hill - are they *definitely* on the up?
Post: RE: House prices in Forest Hill - are they *defini...

I think anyone wanting to get a bargain in FH may have now missed the boat. My 5 bed terraced house in HOP was recently valued at £650k and I was told it would sell in a week, that is either very good...
Southlonder SE23 Topics 48 64,525 06-08-2013, 10:29 AM
  Thread: Damage to cars in Garthorne?
Post: RE: Damage to cars in Garthorne?

thanks for letting me know, my car could have been one of the ones hit. I assume you reported the incident of vandalism to the police right?
Southlonder SE23 Topics 2 5,514 02-08-2013, 11:59 AM
  Thread: English Usage
Post: []

From [quote=femalecyclist] My DS is starting school September 2014 [/quote] What is a DS :blink:
Southlonder Wider Topics 587 563,164 04-06-2013, 05:46 AM
  Thread: Maxi Cosi Peddle 0-9mths car seat and isofix base
Post: Maxi Cosi Peddle 0-9mths car seat and isofix base

Very clean condition, and of course not from a car that has been in an accident. We have moved on to a larger seat hence reason for sale £60 cash on colletcion- £160 RRP
Southlonder Offered, Wanted, Lost & Found 1 3,948 21-05-2013, 09:45 PM
  Thread: Forest Hill Pools
Post: RE: Forest Hill Pools

I've been to the pools two Sundays in a row and I love it. I find the changing rooms nice and clean, and I like the fact that you can just go in on Sunday morning with the kids and not have to wait fo...
Southlonder SE23 Topics 2,074 2,302,102 20-05-2013, 07:31 AM
  Thread: New Lamp Posts/Street Lights
Post: RE: the new lamp posts

New ones are led so cast a more natural light, are much more energy efficient and are much brighter so have been proven to lower crime
Southlonder Wider Topics 128 142,923 17-05-2013, 06:57 AM
  Thread: Speed of cars from Honor Oak Park/Forest Hill road - does it bother anyone?
Post: RE: Speed of cars from Honor Oak Park/Forest Hill ...

As someone who drives up and down that hill frequently I must say the speed bumps don't require you to slow down It is therefore quite a "fast" road
Southlonder SE23 Topics 15 22,945 20-02-2013, 07:06 PM
  Thread: Location Location Location
Post: RE: Location Location Location

HOP prices in particular are seriously rocketing however and it wont be long before terraced 3 beds hit £550k, especially once the Saino local opens
Southlonder SE23 Topics 14 17,312 06-01-2013, 07:23 PM
  Thread: Free: HP all in one scanner & printer
Post: Free: HP all in one scanner & printer

partial working order it doesn't print A4 high rez photos anymore , but will print standard documents in colour fine, scanner works fine too. Collection from Garthorne Road otherwise it goes in bin...
Southlonder Offered, Wanted, Lost & Found 0 2,806 06-01-2013, 07:21 PM
  Thread: 76-78 Honor Oak Park (ex Old Bank)
Post: RE: The Old Bank, Honor Oak Park

I can't disagree that a Costa would not be the preferred choice but look chaps, no pubs seem to want it (which is what we all really wanted), so a chain coffee shop isn't the end of the world If it i...
Southlonder SE23 Topics 736 720,792 05-11-2012, 06:04 PM
  Thread: 63 Honor Oak Park (ex White Wood Shop)
Post: RE: Honor Oak Park Parade

I dont want to hijack this thread but would it be possible to get an update on the sainsburys, are we still looking at June next year?
Southlonder SE23 Topics 133 168,860 23-10-2012, 06:22 PM
  Thread: 76-78 Honor Oak Park (ex Old Bank)
Post: RE: The Old Bank

jeez this gets better and better. Now it sounds sordid, bowls of car keys anyone?! Like I said, lets get a proper business in there. Secret parties behind blacked out windows :rolleyes:
Southlonder SE23 Topics 736 720,792 19-09-2012, 06:41 PM
  Thread: Forest Hill Pools
Post: RE: Forest Hill Pools

this is great news, have printed the pool schedule and will take my toddler swimming on sunday morning, no more driving to Beckenham :thumbsup:
Southlonder SE23 Topics 2,074 2,302,102 19-09-2012, 06:33 PM
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