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Use of mobile phones whilst driving

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Joined 17-03-2005
Posted on Tuesday, 28 February, 2006 - 06:57 am:   

Not just a Forest Hill issue but what happened to me on Saturday did happen locally and was scary. I was driving along and noticed a car immediatly behind- too close for comfort. The driver was a woman with a very small child in the front seat- she was not paying attention to her driving at all as she was chatting on her mobile and occasionally taking her other hand off the steering wheel to play with her hair whenever we were stationary. All this I could see from my rear view mirror. Every time I slowed down or braked she nearly crashed into me as she just wasn't focussing. This went on all the way from Forest Hill to Croydon where she turned off. So I was driving for two that afternoon hoping that I would anticipate her mistakes and avoid an accident.

I cross the sth circ for the station at the launderette every day and see loads of motorists on the phone as they take that corner, in both directions, including artic lorries and vans- most people know that this is quite a tricky part of the road with a lot going on, so being on the phone as well?????

Law enforcement seems to be a bit weak on this issue,as no doubt its hard to catch people and I have never seen anyone nicked for it. Is there anything that can be done, and/or is there an official hot line for reporting offending vehicles/naming and shaming etc? I have reported some people in known company vehicles to their employers- bit of a snitch but if it saves lives then I really do not care. Would be interested to hear your views.
Joined 18-04-2005
Posted on Tuesday, 28 February, 2006 - 07:21 am:   

It is more scary when the driver is at the wheel of a large trailer and negotiating a corner as well.

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