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Council's Plans for Camberwell Cemetery Woodland
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Post: #41
22-12-2016 08:31 PM

Also given the ground conditions is there not a danger of bodies contaminating the water table?

This is a good point but this wouldn't affect the water table I believe. Still, not a savoury concept if runoff is considered and local flooding/drainage issues. I raised this with the council employees at the consultation exercise. There is a drainage report, apparently, but it has not been published. I requested that this was done but have not seen anything on this as yet so an open question.

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Posts: 45
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Post: #42
10-03-2017 04:53 PM

Emergency Demo For One Tree Hill:

12pm Saturday 11th March
Meet 12pm Camberwell New Cemetery Gates
Brenchley Gardens SE23 3RD

Speak up against destroying The Glade on One Tree Hill for new burial plots.
and against using land near the train station in the Honor Oak Nature Corridor for more burial.



​Lewis Schaffer for
Friends of Camberwell Cemeteries / Save Southwark Woods Campaign
Twitter: @southwarkwoods Facebook: Save Southwark Woods

Friends of Camberwell Cemeteries was founded as Save Southwark Woods in January 2015 to stop the destruction of the woods and graves of Camberwell Old and New Cemeteries.
We are for maintaining recreational activities already taking place on cemetery grounds, such as the Recreation Ground and the Allotments.
We are for preserving the cemeteries as Memorial Park Nature Reserves, like Nunhead or Highgate Cemeteries.
We are in favour of stopping burial in the cemeteries, except for those who have already purchased plots.

This post was last modified: 10-03-2017 04:54 PM by LewisSchaffer.

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Post: #43
10-03-2017 05:36 PM

It is NOT on One Tree Hill. It is NEXT to the hill, a HUGE difference.

See so you can see how this vile protest group operates.

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Post: #44
10-03-2017 09:06 PM

What would you like us to call it?

Upwards of 60 trees are being cut down - including 10 oaks. Are they less valuable because they are on the other side of a boundary line? Or not on the same hill?

Please let's work together to save our greenspaces. Demo tomorrow Saturday 12Noon .

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Post: #45
10-03-2017 10:05 PM

I'd call it PROGRESS, and in fact why don't we have the whole area cleared.

and YES they have no value. If you want to make a case then be honest about what you say and stop trying to mis-lead people by feeding them and the press incorrect information.

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Post: #46
11-03-2017 10:49 AM


Meet at Camberwell New Cemetery Main Gates
12pm Saturday 11th March
Meet 12pm Camberwell New Cemetery Gates
Brenchley Gardens SE23 3RD

Southwark Council started felling trees on One Tree Hill yesterday, next come hoardings, then the tree cutters come in for only 121 burial plots.

Lewis Schaffer

Friends of Camberwell Cemeteries / Save Southwark Woods Campaign
Twitter: @southwarkwoods Facebook: Save Southwark Woods

Friends of Camberwell Cemeteries was founded as Save Southwark Woods in January 2015 to stop the destruction of the woods and graves of Camberwell Old and New Cemeteries.
We are for maintaining recreational activities already taking place on cemetery grounds, such as the Recreation Ground and the Allotments.
We are for preserving the cemeteries as Memorial Park Nature Reserves, like Nunhead or Highgate Cemeteries.

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Post: #47
11-03-2017 01:04 PM

IT is not ON One Tree Hill, its next door, so STOP MIS-LEADING people with your constant inaccurate information.

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Post: #48
11-03-2017 07:42 PM

Great day. ITV and London came and reported on our demonstration. We are working to stop the Council from scarring One Tree Hill by cutting down upwards of 60 trees for 121 burial plots. Every area of the cemeteries is at risk. Fight for greenspace in Honor Oak Nature Corridor.

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Post: #49
11-03-2017 08:16 PM

More uninformed misinformation being reported, carry on spreading your untruths, people will continue to expose you for what you really are.

For the umpteenth time it is NOT on One Tree Hill, it is NEXT to it on the other side of the boundary in the cemetery.

At least tell it like it is, but for your group that is impossible.

This post was last modified: 11-03-2017 08:21 PM by samuelsen.

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Post: #50
12-03-2017 10:07 PM

We believe that hoardings will be going up on One Tree Hill in Camberwell New Cemetery Monday for tree cutting.

The Glade is on the eastern side of the hill. Upwards of 60 trees are being cut down just a few hundred yards from Honor Oak Park train station.
Next will be three acres next to the train station.

Please see map below of site.

Lewis Schaffer

Friends of Camberwell Cemeteries / Save Southwark Woods Campaign
Twitter: @southwarkwoods Facebook: Save Southwark Woods

Friends of Camberwell Cemeteries was founded as Save Southwark Woods in January 2015 to stop the destruction of the woods and graves of Camberwell Old and New Cemeteries.
We are for maintaining recreational activities already taking place on cemetery grounds, such as the Recreation Ground and the Allotments.
We are for preserving the cemeteries as Memorial Park Nature Reserves, like Nunhead or Highgate Cemeteries.

Attached File(s) Thumbnail(s)

This post was last modified: 12-03-2017 10:13 PM by LewisSchaffer.

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Post: #51
12-03-2017 11:27 PM

So you want them to become overgrown wildernesses, well some of use like them as they are, kept for the purpose intended, burial of the dead and a place to remember, commemorate, maintain the graves of our deceased and reflect in peace.

The site in question is NEXT to the hill in the cemetery, NOT on the hill. "

They are neither woods or glades, rather over grown scrub, "The Glade (another made up name) is on One Tree Hill being cut down for burial plots. A hill is geographic entity and doesn't end at a fence."

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Post: #52
13-03-2017 12:32 PM

One Tree Hill is a place, a fact of geography. If you go up to the glade you will see this for yourself (and a fine view). The council like to draw a distinction between the new Cemetery and the Nature Reserve but the reserve only covers part of the hill.

There also woods there, another fact. I suggest you go and look for yourself and have a walk in them (while you still can).

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Post: #53
15-03-2017 11:14 PM

"kept for the purpose intended"

Not the most convincing of arguments. Life moves on, the needs of communities change.

If we took your approach we would still be driving peasants from the Royal Forests and using the stocks in Dulwich Village.

You also seem to think that an overgrown wilderness is a bad thing. It may come as a surprise to you but not everyone regards overgrown wildernesses as a bad thing.

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Post: #54
17-03-2017 06:01 PM

Am I alone in seeing an opportunity offered by the cemetery extension and the discussion about development of the cutting at Honor Oak Park Station? If the availability of burial land is in such short supply, surely it is senseless to push for housing between the station and the new cemetery extension. I might be wrong but when the land was cleared a few years ago for stabilisation , Network Rail said the land would revert to vegetation on completion of the works. If this is such a problem, why not use the land for green burials, which in time will have the dual effect of providing interment space and the re-establishment of woodland? The area seems to be losing much of its remaining green space, as those living near the development on Tyson Road will attest. Retaining the open space next to the station and using it for green burials might be a way to develop a consensus. Also, it would provide a service not, as far as I know, offered here. Let's be honest, the clearance of trees and extension of burial space a few years ago in Camberwell Old Cemetery, has left a sterile and ugly space being filled with stone monuments. If this isn't possible, use the present extension at CNC as an opportunity to develop a greener approach. Just a thought anyway.

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Post: #55
18-03-2017 02:38 PM

Absolutely right re the old cemetery. Southwark council prefer the sterile clearance and strimmed type burial option. There was a consultation on the works planned for the Old Nursery area - 82% were against the plans and yet of the options considered, assuming the burial extension proceeded anyway, the meadow burial option was the preferrred one. However, the funeral directors have told the council that not enough people want meadow burial so local opinion has been ignored and sterile burial it is. See here for planning application:

There is only a limited time to comment. The consultation I refer to is in the related documents list.

Meanwhile tree clearance work on One Tree Hill is imminent it seems even though it is the start of the bird nesting season. This is contrary to the planning application for this.

As for the land next to the station, this is more complex. The housing proposal comes from an unverified neighbourhood plan which excludes half of Honor Oak and actually doesn't seem to take any account of the cemetery works, nor Lewisham borough policy which is not to build on Metropolitan Open Land. This land, apart from being in a different borough, is also owned by Network Rail so is unlikely to feature in Southwark's burial strategy. They also have no current intention of releasing this for housing and in fact do use it for maintenance access - major track works on 27th March for example.

It would be lovely to see some joined up thinking re the local green space. Sadly this seems in short supply!

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Post: #56
28-04-2017 12:31 PM

Interesting post from Buzzfeed yesterday.

"Council dismantling paupers' graves in historic cemeteries to sell off private burial spaces for thousands of pounds to people who want to be buried in the inner city.

The people want burial to stop in the borough. What a waste of space.

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robin orton

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Post: #57
28-04-2017 02:53 PM

The people want burial to stop in the borough

Well, you do.

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Post: #58
28-04-2017 03:35 PM

Whilst I have seen some eloquent arguments, nobody has solved the riddle of 1500 bodies/day in the UK.
This is not going to change unless we discover the elixir of life so someone please explain where are we going to bury them and not disturb them for 100 Years?
There is simply not enough space, yes we can gain 621 plots but how long will that Last?
Perhaps people who insist on burial should devote a section of their garden for the purpose of burial of their relatives this is private land and would not require the decimation of open areas. I can see no objection if you want a burial then you can have one and it will reduce the use of public land.

Oh I hear the cries it may devalue my property, I don't like the idea of dead bodies at the end of the garden. Okay then make the cost of the plots prohibitively expensive after all if they want to deprive us of public land then they should pay. Next there should be a register of visits if you don't go to see Uncle Bill's grave for over 2 years then it can be reused.

Probably going to get all sorts of comments for this post, just hope someone has a real and sensible opinion/option as it is a problem not going away.

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Post: #59
27-05-2017 12:27 AM

Southwark used to bury people in church yards by the river, then they moved out here. Time to move burial further out.

you can still object to Southwark's plans bury on acres of open land next to the Honor Oak Park Station, next to the rec ground in the Honor Oak Nature Corridor.

Go to and follow the link.

or go directly to

And write "I object" and then why. Or just "I object" That'll do it.

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Post: #60
27-05-2017 08:08 AM

The land in question was designated burial land long before you ever showed up here. The Council are using this land and reclaiming land that it allowed to become overgrown in the two cemeteries for new burials. They are also planning to re-use graves that are 75+ years old, now in my book that's not a bad thing.

You seem to pop up everywhere, in East Dulwich didn't you get banned from that forum, in fact you remind me of an annoying wasp that needs to be swatted.

This post was last modified: 27-05-2017 08:10 AM by samuelsen.

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