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Posts: 216
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Post: #41
22-09-2016 08:58 PM

I'm on both. A remarkable transformation so far with the odd relapse.

I think it's a shame as this forum just had to stop a few posters but also change a little in structure but it has not changed.

Oh well it is what it is but I hope this forum stays.

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Posts: 822
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Post: #42
22-09-2016 11:41 PM

It seems odd how many from here were happy to go dancing with old Foxy.
I got the impression quite a few thought some of his views were a little extreme and his approach a bit too combative, but I guess in fact he was building quite a following.
It's a funny old world.

This post was last modified: 22-09-2016 11:42 PM by Perryman.

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Post: #43
23-09-2016 09:44 AM

Ah, I'm glad this has come up, I've been waiting for someone to mention what shall hereon only ever be known in my mind as 'foxy no-forriner's new forum' lol Rofl
Yeah, it has slightly bamboozled my brain how someone can transform from a heinous blithering troll on one forum, to a sort of 'patron saint of Honor Oak Park', thumbs-aloft, fun-lovin', glee-spreadin', general all-round *great guy* on another.
Oh, that's right, he OWNS the forum!
Fwiw, I think his little project is quite good on the things that interest me most - restaurants, pubs, going-out-y type stuff - and those are the only threads I look at. However, I'd never become a member because, my god, the draconian RULES AND REGS!! Anonymity (i.e; a basic internet human right anywhere else online) seems to be frowned on for some reason.....god forbid the lord of the manor shouldn't know the inside leg measurements of each and every one of his devoted subjects!

This post was last modified: 23-09-2016 09:45 AM by Pippi.

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Post: #44
23-09-2016 11:23 AM

Not sure why some frown on anonymity, I think it is very important on forums. But it is sometimes helpful to have the added credibility of known individuals.

As for the views of the forum owner, I've never really cared too much about their views, as long as they allow a free exchange of ideas - even if they are at odds with their own views or that of their sponsors.

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Post: #45
23-09-2016 03:35 PM

The layout of "life" is cluttered and IMO not particularly user friendly but it seems to be providing info about things/incidents happening in SE23 that otherwise would go unreported/published.

It is certainly a shame that individuals who used to regularly post on have gone and set up another "local" forum, if only people could work together it would benefit the whole community.

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Post: #46
23-09-2016 04:09 PM

It is certainly a shame that individuals who used to regularly post on have gone and set up another "local" forum

I think that those who set up the other forum felt that they were not able to post regularly on

I'm not a great fan of having two local forums as it means that there are two conversations going on, and I don't really like repeating myself in multiple places.

Personally I like the other layout more than this one, and quoting and linking is much easier on the other site.

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Post: #47
23-09-2016 06:51 PM

Good luck with that Michael!
There is obviously more to this than us ordinary people will ever know, but sorry, that other site sounds like an absolute nightmare.

I'm not feeling very positive about the FH Traders posters either at the moment - it seems fairly transparent that they are one of the driving forces behind this split and it all seems a bit ruthless on their behalf.
The posters on this site have been very supportive of their aims and we all want a thriving local shopping area.
But if their demand was to turn this site into one long upbeat advert, I am glad that was resisted.

I'm adding their names to my ignore list.

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Post: #48
23-09-2016 08:20 PM

Well, given Foxy thinks that a good way to handle a dispute with a neighbour is to film the argument and post it on the internet, including their address, I'd be pretty uncomfortable about him knowing my personal details.

This post was last modified: 23-09-2016 08:22 PM by Azira.

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Posts: 557
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Post: #49
24-09-2016 07:29 AM

I thought the forum had faded a little recently but I put it down to the summer holidays. So what is the new one called? I take it from the comments above it is run by the chap who has fox troubles?

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Post: #50
24-09-2016 09:10 AM

Yes, the very same chap, and still posting true to form.

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Post: #51
24-09-2016 09:47 AM

I missed the stuff about the traders Perryman. Did they complain if anyone said anything negative about local businesses or something?

There's definitely one trader that is working closely with Foxy. You can go into her shop to have your details verified before you're allowed to be a member and see non-public threads.

Given what he's been fine with saying in public under his own name, I shudder to think what Foxy says that he feels the need to shield from the public view.

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Post: #52
24-09-2016 07:46 PM

So what is the dark forum called?

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robin orton

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Post: #53
24-09-2016 08:01 PM

We're probably not allowed to mention it here, but it has 'SE23' in the title.

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Post: #54
24-09-2016 09:38 PM

Here's my guess:
The traders were up in arms about a thread a couple of years ago on the poor hygiene ratings of some of their shops:
And the thread was bumped a few months ago with the latest ratings.
Then someone mentioned them again and our friends were gone.
It seems a likely cause doesn't it?

For me, instead of blaming the forum, the traders should have addressed the problems identified as best they could as they did 2 years ago.

Until recently these was a great deal of trust and goodwill here, but since the traders are now suddenly refusing to engage the posters, I think they have undone quite a bit of their good work.

But what do I know - it's their businesses and I am sure they have put some thought into this new alliance.

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Post: #55
24-09-2016 10:11 PM

it is nowhere near as simple as that. Nor was the other forum set up by traders, but it was quickly supported by some of them, just as this forum is supported by others.

I've had far too many posts on this forum deleted, as have many others. That is what prompted quite a few people to set up other forums over time. others have completely failed, but the latest addition has some aspects that make me believe that it will stick around.

for the moment we have two forums, for better or for worse.

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robin orton

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Post: #56
24-09-2016 10:19 PM

I quite like some aspects of the new forum, and I must say that I have myself found the other person to be courteous and helpful, despite his bizarre politics.

What I don't understand is why it was thought desirable to set up a second forum and why a number of people who have in the past contributed actively and usefully to this one seem to have abandoned it and decided to join him in helping to run the new one. I don't believe that pique on the part of some FH traders can be the only reason.

[Edit: written before I saw Michael's latest post]

This post was last modified: 24-09-2016 10:20 PM by robin orton.

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Posts: 822
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Post: #57
25-09-2016 03:08 PM

I can't say I've ever had a post deleted, but I'm more of a reader than a writer and I tend to ignore the trolls.
I imagine your problems, michael, were more technical breaches rather than your posts being found unpleasant in some way, as you are - or were - consistently one of the best posters here. I'm not sure if it is polite to discuss this further, but I thought that needed saying.

Generally I like to hear peoples opinions - even the disturbing ones - but if they are going to abuse the privilege and rant on and on aggressively, day after day on what they'd read in the Daily Mail that morning, then it changes the feel of the whole forum and I can understand why an admin might want to clamp down a little.
It might not be such a problem on a forum where near everyone is like minded from the start.

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Post: #58
25-09-2016 08:22 PM

Hi Perryman

I've had a post deleted on here (it was not in the least contentious) but have not found that an issue for me generally.

This forum could have been so much better, but the layout has barely changed and some things just make no sense, like not being able to see replies in the 3rd section on here- doing everything via PM is the complete opposite of what a forum should be. I've never understood it.

This forum has been great a source of information for many things and has some great posters on it. I've used since I moved to the area.

If it wishes to prosper, it will need to change.

People will simply use the forum(s) they feel work best for them - there is already a very prominent facebook group irrespective of the other site mentioned in this thread - people won't use this site out of loyalty or other reasons, people will simply use the sites that give them the information or discussions they want on the technology platforms they want to use.

Anyway let's see - I'm not expert by any means, just my thoughts.

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Post: #59
25-09-2016 10:53 PM

It is not uncommon in forums to have a pinned post at the top to spell out what is and what isn't allowed to be posted in that particular forum.
I think that would be useful here, if only for people to work out in retrospect why their post has gone.

I've had non controversial posts deleted at other sites, and silly as it is, it is very hurtful. Every post from then on, you wonder if you should bother at all, and you end up leaving.

So I certainly sympathise with you both.

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Posts: 95
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Post: #60
26-09-2016 12:48 PM

I have had a post removed and then reappear edited lacking the best bits. The next poster commented on my post but it made no sense as some of the content was gone.

I guess like most people we want transparency, if you are going to edit my post then write on it that it has been edited, if removed then say so.

As for Foxy, I could never understand why he was able to make comments on this forum that at times were totally unacceptable. i thought he was a troll and rarely replied. I have been in the same room as him and I have to say that he comes across as a very reasonable man but then he was selling his service.

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