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Followed home from station
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Posts: 46
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Post: #1
25-09-2013 08:51 PM

Not sure where to put this - just wanted to make people alert.

I have just been followed home from Crofton park station (about 745). He was acting a bit odd; criss crossing the road and seemed to look in various windows, picking up an empty bottle etc. He then walked behind me, and waited outside my house, I turned to look at him so he went behind my hedge. I unlocked my bottom lock and could see he was still there so I stopped and stood, he walk past to the right then walked back and stood in front of me and started coming up the path, he looked a bit agitated. I ask if I could help, he just stared at me and he walked off again. I went to to open the top lock so he walked back behind the hedge. I figured I couldnt open my door in time and get in safe so stopped again and he started to walk off, then walking back, at this point I flapped and ran my lovely next door neighbour's door bell when he scarpered.

Dont want to scare anyone (I generally feel safe here - even walking down the road next to the station!) but I felt a bit intimidated by this. I have left a message for the SNT and will ring them back in the morning as I think this fella needs help and shouldnt be out scaring women.

My description will help no one but I know I will be asked - youngish - probably mid-late 20s, light black skin, about 5ft 8-9ish. slim with a slim face, bit of a goatee, hooded top with padded gillet, dark trousers and dark trainers. No real distinguishing features.

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Post: #2
26-09-2013 05:47 PM

If you are being followed, do not go to your own house. I assume the plan was to push you in when you had unlocked the dorr.

Go to any house that looks occupied and ring the door bell. They may not let you in, but probably would call the police.

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Post: #3
26-09-2013 08:49 PM

I didnt really think of it at the time, and wasnt certain till I was home. But sensible advice.

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Post: #4
27-09-2013 10:00 AM

This may be a coincidence, but a man who matches your description was behaving in much the same way outside my house. This was yesterday at around 1pm.

I had just stepped off the bus and saw a man standing further up the road outside my gate. He was just staring at the house. Then looking up at the sky, then back to the house and through the windows. Not as if he were scoping the place, more like he was just staring really intensely. Very blatant, not trying to hide.

I hung back and observed this strange behaviour for about 5 minutes. He then slowly made his way up the road.

Slim guy, light black skin, slim with a slim face and a bit of a goatee.

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Post: #5
05-10-2013 08:40 PM

Worth being vigilant and reporting to the police. The same guy came back sunday knocked on my door then tried to force his way in. I was utterly terrified. I rang 999 and the police said a man with the same description has been harassing loan females in Hilly field, following them home etc. I hope he is caught before he does more than terrify someone.

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Post: #6
05-10-2013 10:28 PM

I hope you are ok - that does sound frightening. Do you have anything by the front door to grab to scare someone off? I mean the sort of thing one would naturally keep near the front door of course..................
hope he's arrested soon - and kept in custody or a secure psychiatric facility

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Post: #7
07-10-2013 07:49 AM

One lady I knew had an alarm switch by the front door. it was disguised as a light switch.

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Post: #8
07-10-2013 05:09 PM

That's terrible. What sort of response have you had from the police? Have they offered you crime prevention advice, eg security chain on the front door etc? What action are they taking to identify the man? Might he be on the CCTV at Crofton Park station? Are they contacting the other women who have reported him, to warn them that he has made a return visit to your home?

Do you know your neighbours well? Let them know the situation so that they can be vigilant and if they hear a commotion from your house they should take it seriously. If he turns up again make as much noise as possible: shout, scream, swear - don't feel inhibited.

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Post: #9
15-10-2013 09:48 AM

Hm. Something a bit similar happened to me yesterday early eve (around 7pm, dark already) walking home from HOP station. I try to always ensure that I am aware of who is walking in front and behind me, and usually feel very safe walking in HOP as lots of people tend to get of the trains even late at night.

As I turned right into Grierson, I noticed a young guy on a bmx bike going very slowly on the pavement (err, yes, pavement) and stopping each time I turned around to look. Just seemed odd, but at first I thought he was just a young kid on the way back from footie or other sports, and probably kept checking his mobile as they do, hence the frequent stops and slow cycling on the pavement. But it just felt very strange that he kept his distance and stayed behind me, in no hurry or not trying to go anywhere, still on the pavement. I then continued into Garthorne and he continued to do the same. Once I reached my house, I decided not to go in but stop and stand on the street, fiddling with my car keys instead and getting a large umbrella from the boot in case he decided to make a go for my bag. He slowly approached and again stopped right behind me on the pavement, and didn't move. When I turned around to stare at him, he seemed unsure what to do and then slowly continued to near the end of the road, where he stopped again and just stayed there. I stood on the street for quite some time, but he didn't move. So I went in and had another look from the window - he stayed there for quite some time and finally left. Just very odd, and the first time I've encountered this sort of behaviour. A lot of kids go through Grierson/Garthorne on their bikes quite regularly, but even when they send sms or chat on their phones, they usually just cycle on after a while.

I sincerely hope I'm just paranoid! In any case, this guy was somewhere between 15-20max I'd say, light black skin, sport clothes, hair in braids. If this was actually you or your son, simply killing some time and moping about - do give me a shout and I'll feel a lot better!

This post was last modified: 15-10-2013 09:50 AM by Tinkerbell.

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Post: #10
15-10-2013 01:03 PM

See the post in SE23 re the mugging. Hopefully not the same guy.

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Post: #11
18-10-2013 10:18 AM

Just read this thread. I noticed a man/boy matching this description in Garthorne Road this morning around 9 am.

He was wearing a black nylon hooded tracksuit and a black wool cap.
I'd have estimated his age at between late teens to early twenties.
He was standing in the middle of the road staring intently up at the bedroom window of one of the houses. Quite blatant and not at all furtive.

I gave him a close look because I thought that his behaviour looked a bit dodgy. He noticed me clocking him and began to walk off down the middle of the road heading in the direction of Forest Hill.

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Post: #12
18-10-2013 08:51 PM

Managed to lock myself out of the forum and I am not living at home at the moment so late to this.

This does sound like a different guy - much younger. There has been an increase in burglaries in the area and Operation Bumblebee has been launched. I hope this does increase police presence in the area especially with the dark nights.

I am not living in my house at the moment as I got a third visit from this guy last sunday who again tried to force my door. I am in the process of having a full on alarm system with panic alarms put in and wont go home until its done. My neighbour said that her friend was also followed home from Crofton Park station by someone matching the same description. Its a horrible situation.

I don't like to criticise the police, I have family in the police, and they do a job I would not like to do. The pressures are horrendous, especially in London, but I don't really feel this has been taken seriously. I have had 3 incidents now and only on the last one did I get a crime number and follow up. I have asked for updates and not heard anything back. There maybe something going on and I just dont know about it but I just want some reassurance that they are looking for this guy and he is on a list.

My neighbours have been amazing and reinforces this is a fantastic area to live in, and why I gutted that I feel I have had to move out for a bit.

Again not wanting to scare but women walking from Crofton park station, if followed go into a shop and called a friend if possible. Or as the police told me call 999.

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Post: #13
18-10-2013 09:07 PM

So sorry you've had to move out of your own house, dita-on-tees. What a nightmare for you. I hope you feel safer when your alarms are fitted, and that this wretched man gets caught soon.

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Post: #14
20-10-2013 08:52 PM

Wanted to correct the above - the police have been really fantastic this weekend and have really got on the case doing door to door, reviewing cctv and enhanced patrols in my area. I have every faith they will catch him and I can go home!

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Post: #15
21-10-2013 08:00 AM

If you think someone may be following you, the best thing to do is to turn around and go the other way.

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Post: #16
21-10-2013 12:10 PM

dita - Glad to hear that the police that have been stepping up their efforts. Let's hope that they get a result a.s.a.p. It must be horrible being forced out of your own home like that.

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Post: #17
21-10-2013 06:59 PM

So scary...lets hope they catch him soon-surely this isn't the first and only time he's done this to someone?

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Post: #18
28-10-2013 11:59 AM

To the OP - I really hope that things are improving for you.

I wonder if this is related? - A couple of times recently my child has basically been chased in Ladywell Fields (Crofton Park end) by a guy matching your description. I have also seen him at other times wandering around the park with a can of drink seeming pretty out of it. The guy says that he has 'seen children falling in the river' and that's why he's chasing them - let him have that as a random but I assumed harmless excuse last time but two times is enough and the second wasn't by a river so am going to report to non-emergency police.

So just wondering if it might be the same person and whether anyone else has come across him in the park?

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