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Forest Hill in the Times property section
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Post: #61
08-06-2012 10:34 AM

Its mind boggling that people think its mind boggling that some people should care about the price of tea and cake. Lucky you if you don't have to!

Original and independent it probably is , but 'community ' minded it certainly isn't , unless your 'community ' happens to takes home £60k plus..

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Post: #62
08-06-2012 10:46 AM

Roz, with all due respect, I think you've missed the point. The aim of Canvas and Cream is to 'Enable artists to build sustainable creative businesses by providing high quality, fit for purpose and affordable exhibition opportunities', not to provide affordable tea and coffee for the wider community. If they can get away with these prices - good luck to them - you dont have to go there. In fact before they moved in, you'd have been sitting in an empty shop.

However, to cater for the less well off, the cafe in Dartmouth road is reasonably priced and offers a decent cuppa, have you tried it there?

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Post: #63
08-06-2012 10:49 AM

Sounds like someone needs a nice cup of tea and a cake to wash away the taste of sour grapes...

I don't think people would have taken such umbrage with your post, roz, if there had been anything constructive about it. But all you did was say 'I don't like this business, it does nothing for me, and I can't stand Nigella Lawson.' What was the point of coming here to say that? There are plenty of businesses in FH that I'm not interested in, that do not stock products or provide service I want or need. Should I come on this forum and list them?

Again, I challenge your idea that being community-minded equates with providing services that are affordable to all. They are community-minded in that they provide space and amenities for local providers of health, arts and crafts-based activities. They are community-minded in that they provide classes, courses, exhibitions etc that local people can use and enjoy. They support and subsidise these activities by the running a very nice restaurant.

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Post: #64
08-06-2012 10:51 AM

And do people genuinely not see how incredible some of us can find the reverence and deference of others to celebrity, and the arrival of some B rate celebs to buy up the contents of a gallery, as if it were pivotal in both personal and self esteem and town centre regeneration? I am not knocking a business per se, I'm knocking pretension. As a community we are surely much better than this?

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Post: #65
08-06-2012 10:56 AM

What I find incredible is that you are blowing the whole Nigella thing out of all proportion. It was mentioned, as being interesting, and a reflection on the developing image of FH. And then it was forgotten about.

Someone else mentioned (elsethread) that Kirsty Allsop had been in St Davids a while back, no one ran out and put out the 'We have arrived!' bunting. Hardly anyone commented at all. Where's the 'reverence and deference' you refer to?

No one is running around going 'Whoopee, we can hold our heads high, Nigella came to town, at last we have validation.' It's only you that keeps banging on about it.

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Post: #66
08-06-2012 11:01 AM

Pity it was Nigella, it would have been more fun to see the buxom self publicist Katie Price buying up the art work! I might even have made the effort to purchase an over priced cup if tea for that! Rofl Sorry, I just can't be po-faced about a bit of glamour coming to Forest Hill.

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Post: #67
08-06-2012 11:10 AM

I am really glad for Canvas and Cream making its debut. It is pricey but in my opinion it is worth it. The food is incredible. The space has been very thoughtfully put together. The vibe is similar to something you might find in Spitalfields or Dulwich. It's impressive and exciting to see SE23 develop in this direction. Thumbsup

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Post: #68
08-06-2012 11:19 AM


Nigella coming to C&C and tweeting about it does not mean that this particular business will now only cater for celebrities to exlcusion of all else! It simply means that there is an interesting and obviously successful business which has started up in our own little town, which has commanded a hint of attention beyond the loca area. This is something we should all be generally happy about and pleased for the business in question, and, if the bank balance permits it, some of us may even want to pop in and sample the produce!

Furthermore, I agree with the earlier point that C&C is most definately a community minded venture. By adding a couple of pence onto their produce in the cafe, they are able to provide a new space for local artists (one of the oldest sections of the local community I know of) to display their work and maybe earn an income from it. This was not something they had before. It is undoubtedly a sure sign of progress in making Forest Hill a more vibrant and interesting community (whether celebrities choose to visit or not!)

As a side note, I regularly have Sunday breakfast in there and have never thought it overpriced anyway, even on my modest wage. If I did, then there a countless other places I could go to to spend less. Thats the great thing about having 'choice'!

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Post: #69
08-06-2012 11:26 AM

Canvas and Cream is a brilliant addition to Forest Hill. I can't afford to eat there regularly but I love the fact that I can choose to do so when there is an opportunity. I completely agree that variety is the key to a vibrant high street and we are some way to achieving that. There are lots of cafes in FH catering for different budgets and that's a really excellent thing.

Roz you seem to resistant to any change that does not suit your every day budget! Just because you have lived in FH for a long time and others haven't does not mean that your opinion is any more valid. You post on everything and anything and that's fine and that's what the forum is for. However if my memory serves me correctly some time ago Michael asked why more people don't post / get involved in debate and might I be so bold to say that its because there are a group of clearly hardcore established Forest Hilliers on the forum with very strong opinions and that is quite intimidating (to me as a relative newbie anyway!).

Anyway back to the point. It seems to me that C & C have engaged very significantly with the community, the local artist community and they are bridging the gap between artists working in the area and the resident community. I thoroughly enjoyed walking round Havelock Walk and the C & C studios during the Dulwich Festival and a number of those artists were new to the area having moved from well known ‘arty’ places like Camden. That can only be a good thing. And if Nigella and Mr Saatchi create a little bit of press for FH then that’s good too; if it makes people investigate FH more than they might have done then great - they will soon appreciate that FH has a lot to offer!

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Post: #70
08-06-2012 11:36 AM

Well, canvas and cream encouraged me to come up from Sydenham a few times. As have some of the other places in Forest Hill.

Not every business has to compete on being the cheapest Roz. You need a mix of businesses. Forest Hill is getting that mix, which is good for all.

I'm surprised you are being negative about a good, independent, positive local business Roz, infact, considering you involvement in Local politics I'm flabbergasted.

Infact, no go ahead, try to discourage as much postiive, more elitist, upmarket, better quality businesses from opening in Forest Hill as you can, we will have them all in Sydenham ;-)

It will make me shop more local.

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Post: #71
08-06-2012 11:40 AM

In other news..seems were getting ANOTHER afro-caribbean hairdressers/barbers along Dartmouth Road. I think that now brings the total to 7 along that short stretch between the junction with London Road and FH Pools. Great Huh

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Post: #72
08-06-2012 11:57 AM

I can say (with some relief) that the majority of people on this forum recognise a good thing when its happening. Phew

Anyway. Im gonna get back to work and earn some pennies.....I might want a cup of tea in C&C this weeekend.Smile

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Post: #73
08-06-2012 12:42 PM

Not sure who you're confusing me with Syd central but I don't have any involvement at all in local politics of any kind , not for years. I don't think it's me that keeps bringing out the Nigella/Saatchi business- go back and read the posts. And I'm not being negative about the business other than its pricey- just the pretensions that people foist upon it.

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Post: #74
08-06-2012 01:02 PM

Your previous post made reference to reverence to ' B list celebs ' . Firstly, neither Nigella or Saatchi could be classed as B list but aside from that, noone cares who is buying up the contents. The point is that someone is and they are able to do it in a place like Forest Hill. The fact that that person happends to be in the public eye and opted to refer to the positive experience of their visit in a tweet for all to see is just a happy bonus and can only be pat on the back for C & C, and can only be a good thing for Forest Hill (unless one wants to live in a remote, under used and unappreciated backwater, in which case I would suggest going to fine one!)

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Post: #75
08-06-2012 01:16 PM

Okay, I've traced back through this thread because I just couldn't fathom why Nigella etc were being brought into it.

I see roz mentioned them in reference to the Evening Standard article. All that has happened there is the journo writing the piece has googled FH and come up with Nigella's tweet and bunged it in. These property profile bits in the papers are all cheap cut and paste jobs, with a quick phone call to the local estate agents being as close as they get to the area. Getting a mention of a celeb into the piece was a no brainer for the journo. It's just a bit of recycled gossip, not people 'foisting pretensions' on a local business.

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Post: #76
08-06-2012 09:15 PM

See the top of this page for the C and C own thread and comments on how they really only want certain kinds of people booking their venue.

Kirsty Allsop isn't really news- she and Phil Spencer have been coming here for a while at regular intervals.

Forest Hill has always been an interesting and vibrant community with a range of facilities and hard working people who work to keep it that way. It doesnt need c and c to make it so nor does it need celebrity to affirm itself although creative and hard working people like Tim Spall are always a pleasure to run into. People talk about feeling intimidated as they are new however for those of us who have been here a while it is plain insulting as well as ignorant to have people telling you to go somewhere else if you don't like what's happening and also to suggest that 'better' and more interesting people have arrived now so we have 'progress' . Very thankfully, your Forest Hill isn't mine and never will be.

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Post: #77
08-06-2012 09:24 PM

Jeez..give it up Roz! I for one..along with most to see forest hill finally heading upward..and long may it last. I have never been to C&C as it is a bit out of my price range. but i don't moan about very pleased they're here abduction c to contributing to Forest Hills food offer. You seem to have a very personal vendetta against them and I think its wholly unjust and unfair. We should be welcoming these kind of enterprises with open arms..not damming them as you are..

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Post: #78
09-06-2012 11:15 AM

I echo PoolsNeighbour.
Also C&C really is'nt any more expensive for a coffee and cake than the goddamn awful Starbucks, Pret-a-Manger or other hideous chains.
I am a normal working woman NOT on a 60k salary (in my dreams!)
and I love being able to sit down and treat myself to a cappuchino in a nice independent local buisiness-at £2.20 with no pressure to hurry and leave I think thats a fair price for a quality product.
Its great to have choice and frankly I'd rather live somewhere with quality independent stores that ADD to my community than in an area with a highstreet containing an 'Affordable" McDonalds Greggs, Iceland, Aldi
and other such grimness.

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Post: #79
09-06-2012 12:26 PM

nottinghillbilly - what on earth do you have against Aldi? it is a perfectly good shop - it even has reasonably priced camping and garden equipment

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Post: #80
09-06-2012 07:16 PM

Sorry, Aldi probably wasnt a fair example-what I meant was the KFC/Mac D/and Greggs of the culinary landscape!

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