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Posts: 180
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Post: #21
01-10-2009 10:16 AM

Using the P4 between Lewisham and HOP, my general experience is marred by two things:

  • drivers going far too fast, and (consequently) braking too hard
  • passengers failing to move down the bus and crowding round the doors
The route itself is great, a boon to people travelling across the borough rather than simply through it, but the service could be a lot better.

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Post: #22
01-10-2009 01:05 PM

I used to catch the P4 every morning from HOP to Canary Wharf but it got so bad that I decided to boycott it and now walk over the Stanstead Road and get either the 185 or 122. The main problem was the length of time I used to have to wait, combined with the fact that it often didn't stop, on many occasions despite not being full, but rather because everyone would congregate round the door and refuse to move down. It was so frustrating especially when it would sail past and it was obvious that there were seats at the back. If it did stop, I would often end up squeezed on (as people resolutely ignored my please to move down) and then have to hang on for dear life while it was driven at breakneck speed through Ladywell. Surely there is a case for a more frequent service at peaks times. I'm assuming a double decker is out of the quesion due to the route?

I still get it home in the evening from Lewisham, if it comes before a 185 and at least I get a seat, even if I have had to wait ages watching other buses come and go (usually Metrobus rather than Selkent...). But it is still regularly driven way too fast and with zero regard for safety of the many standing passengers. I once nearly dislocated my shoulder when a driver had to brake far too hard to stop as he was going too fast. Have complained on a few occasions when I managed to get the bus details but doesn't seem to have made any difference.

I also got my purse stolen out of my handbag as I boarded a P4 at Lewisham (was actually stood on the bus at the time in the crush of people trying to get on). Despite there supposedly being CCTV on the bus and me knowing who did it, they weren't caught.

So, I am not a fan, which is a real shame as the service could be a real asset.

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Post: #23
04-10-2009 10:04 AM

Does anyone know if there is any truth inthe recent rumours I have heard about theP4 route being replaced by another route via Devonshire Road?

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Post: #24
04-10-2009 10:41 AM

Some drivers do drive much too fast. But, as a slightly disabled person, limping and using a stick, every driver does wait until I've sat down. Also I don't get up until the bus has stopped as I do not want to fall over when the brakes are jammed on. I still belong to the 'I love the Paradise 4 club'

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Post: #25
16-10-2009 10:22 PM

There was some cracking driving last week with people being thrown around everywhere. And more issues with people trying to board with buggies through the single door. Its a popular route for people travelling with kids of all ages as it goes via so many parks etc,that its simply not practical to run single door buses except in an emergency. Doing so makes for a nightmare getting on and off for everyone concerned not least the harassed parent.

I have noticed that is used by a good few of our senior citizens and people with disabilities including wheelchair users. The seniors often run out of seats at the front and side and often don't like have to clamber down to the seats at the back. But then they are not high fare payers commuting to work hence I do think the bus company doesn't really take peoples needs seriously. Another argument for two door or or more frequent buses I think.

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Post: #26
16-10-2009 10:49 PM

According to the London Bus Routes website, Selkent have been reawarded the contract to run the P4 with 10 existing single deckers from May 1st 2010.

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Post: #27
16-03-2010 07:01 PM

Spring picnic/meeting on P4 anyone??

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Post: #28
16-03-2010 08:59 PM

There was very nearly a riot on the P4 this morning.

After waiting for nearly 45 mins, three turned up all in a row (but we didn't know that yet...) all showing "Brixton" as the destination on the header.

However, the first one was only going to Loughborough Junction. At the Horniman, notice the second P4 behind and passengers attempt to decamp - only to discover that this one's only going to Dulwich Village.

Notice yet another one behind - but as passengers scurry to board, third P4 pulls away, overtaking the second one. Second P4 has kindly waited to make sure all passengers get on third one, and allows passengers not taken to re-board.

Second P4 heriocally overtakes thrid P4 again, along Dulwich Common, signalling him to stop. At next request stop, passengers again decamp to try to get onto a bus that will actually take them to their destination and yet again, the third P4 pulls away, just as passengers are sprinting towards him (just as he had done at the Horniman stop). Intending passengers bang on window, doors open, they get on.

But that's not the end of it. Apparently, the driver didn't open the doors - one of the passengers did it from the outside and the drivers swearing blue murder about opening the doors while he's moving (nary a word about him not picking up people desperate to get to work). He turns off the engine and refuses to move until the four passengers who have just got on get off, which of course they are reluctant to do. Shouting match ensues, involving most of the other passengers on the bus, also desperate to get on - remember these were the first buses in 45 mins. Also, stationary bus is now also causing tailback all the way down the South Circular.

Well, all in all, bus driver finally sees he's on a losing wicket. Passengers - let's call them the "P4 Four" - stay on, bus moves off.

The only positive side to the story was that we were eventually so late, that we missed all the rush hour school traffic in Dulwich (about 9:20 by now)and made great time from there on.

And when we got to Loughbourough Junction, there were all the people who got on the first bus....

Aaaah, that feels better - it's good to get it off my chest. Thanks for listening everyone...

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Post: #29
16-03-2010 10:09 PM

When any bus I've got on states Loughborough Junction its always gone well beyond, to the stop two stops before the Police Station, so its probably worth hanging on, as its about a 10 minute walk or less to Brixton Town Hall. I've also got on P4's saying Dulwich Village only for that to be changed to Brixton shortly afterwards when I've still been on it.
Personally I would take a wait and see approach. You can always pick up another bus in Dulwich Village to Brixton - think its the 37 or 67- I'll check so there are other options.

However if you work in Brixton area you are totally reliant on the P4 hence no wonder people get a little agitated when it doesn't work out.

The roadworks and traffic light arrangements in Dulwich Village are a nightmare- must be a 'lets spend the money before the end of financial year thing' as surely it would have made more sense to do these works in the Easter hols when traffic would be lighter. one for the parliamentarians surely ie a guaranteed rollover to the next financial year for road monies provided its spent by the end of the Easter Holidays or beginning of May' etc etc- should enable cost efficiencies in other areas, and as we know the pressure to spend within this time doesn;t always permit the best procurement decisions to be made.

And why are Conways the only (seemingly) traffic works company around- do they win all the local authority contracts these days?

digressingly yours,


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Post: #30
16-03-2010 10:36 PM

I've always been kicked off at Loughborough Junction just before it turns the corner. If I end up on a bus that stops there, I just walk on round the corner to the first stop on Shakespeare Rd and pick up a bus to the Police Station (since there are several)

Or I get off at North Dulwich station and hop on the 37

I'm laughing at the mental image of a P4 heroically chasing another down along Dulwich Common though. Usually they are pretty good about waiting for people to transfer but I have seen one scenario where someone ended up almost chasing one down to get him to stop.

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Post: #31
16-03-2010 10:39 PM

Paradise (4) Lost?

As an exponent of the Paradise 4 but now, sadly, an infrequent user, I am doing the P4 tomorrow yaaaay. Can't to The Crown and Greyhound for lunch (first time there). I know it can be pants at peak time...but i still love it.

Paradise 4 picnic... fabulous! Should we all bring four of something? Or it could be harder (more fun?) and bring four of something beginning with P! lol

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Post: #32
16-03-2010 11:08 PM

Pants(someone elses clean ones), a pergola, a petunia, a pomegranate.

What would you bring.....

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Post: #33
16-03-2010 11:22 PM

Not sure you'd get one let alone four pergola's on the P4 but like the idea.

Four servings of pea soup... for that still-chilled early morning moment

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Post: #34
16-03-2010 11:51 PM

Prawns, Pickle, Pumpernickel and some soothing Patchouli oil?

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Post: #35
17-03-2010 12:06 AM

I would bring a small pergola.

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Post: #36
17-03-2010 12:23 AM

Peanuts, pistachios, the Pope, and a pole dancer.

I finally used the P4 a few weeks ago, very good route from Ladywell. I did try to get on 17 years ago but I walked to Lewisham before I saw a P4, those were the days when the P4 would stop anywhere on the route, but you could wait hours for one to pluck up the courage for the journey between Brixton and Lewisham.

Sighting of the 931 bus have continued on Honor Oak Road. Look out for them every Friday morning.

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Post: #37
17-03-2010 12:33 AM

And the pole dancer would even have something to demonstrate on Rofl

How about pepperoni pizza, prosecco, pork pies, and something pink for pudding...

Alternatively, we could go for that staple of South London bus passengers, fried chicken Wink

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Post: #38
17-03-2010 06:23 PM

I wonder whether any local take aways/ pizza places would deliver to a P4?? I quite frequently get peckish on P4!!

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Post: #39
17-03-2010 06:43 PM

I wonder if you can hire a P4 privately for hen parties, wedding receptions etc.. the possibilities are endless....

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Post: #40
17-03-2010 10:29 PM

Well it passes Pizza Express. Depending on traffic, you could call your order in around Honor Oak Park, call them back as you turn at Dulwich College to ask them to box it and bring it out to the next bus. You might have to tip em well though.

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