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Message For Any Chelsea Fans In SE23
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Posts: 490
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Post: #1
10-02-2011 02:18 PM

It will be interesting to see if anyone who gets paid money to do it will take a similar view to me. Namely with a three-man attack and with performances like this Chelsea will struggle to make the Champions League. Especially since they could get humped by Man Utd twice.
Ancelotti has a tough decision for the next game. Dare he leave Roman's latest 50 m quid toy on the bench in order to reintroduce some creativity to Chelsea?
As others like Alan Smith have noted three strikers together rarely works especially if you have no natural wingers. Chelsea's best chances came from corners and Reina made one save of note all day.
Other teams above and below Liverpool's quality will take note. Choke the middle, squeeze the sides and Chelsea will be reduced to the long-range efforts and punts into the box that characterized the last third of the game when they went a goal down.
If Spurs continue to get results and Liverpool continue to improve especially with their new signings - dropped points whether it is defeats or draws will cost Chelsea dear.
Luiz will be a good signing but Chelsea's midfield looks old and washed up. When Lucas Leivi has bossed you in two consecutive games Ancelotti must wish dearly he actually had control of some of the purse strings.
I am sure he like smarter Chelsea fans (I am told that they exist) would have loved somebody like Schweinsteiger instead of Torres.
With Roman in control - I am convinced that Chelsea are on a road to nowhere. It's only a matter of time before Ancelotti leaves and if he had any self-respect he'd go now. One of the most knowledgeable and successful managers in the world reduced to being a puppet in a dark trench-coat.
And when he goes - which decent manager will want this type of job? The one where the owner chooses the players to buy and in affect choose the team. Oh and can sack your assistant without cause at anytime.
The clock is ticking....
Chelsea - a bigger club - you are having a laugh. There a sad imitation of a football club where the owner's every action makes it less and less likely they will enjoy short term success let alone anything lasting.

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Post: #2
10-02-2011 02:39 PM


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robin orton

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Post: #3
10-02-2011 04:53 PM

'Londondrz' said


I think I can see where you're coming from, 'Londondrz'.

Anyway, aren't Chelsea based in the north somewhere? Surely there can't be any significant numbers of people in FH who support them? I would expect northern immigrants (like myself, and, presumably, 'ForestHillier') ) to assimilate properly into South London culture and find a local team to support. It's like Norman Tebbitt's 'cricket test'.

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Post: #4
10-02-2011 06:24 PM

I agree Crystal Palace is the local club for SE23.

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Post: #5
11-02-2011 08:40 AM

maybe cpfc are the local team, does that mean you have to support them, sorry thought this was a part of the forum that was outside se23

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Post: #6
11-02-2011 11:05 AM

Anyway, aren't Chelsea based in the north somewhere? Surely there can't be any significant numbers of people in FH who support them? I would expect northern immigrants (like myself, and, presumably, 'ForestHillier') ) to assimilate properly into South London culture and find a local team to support. It's like Norman Tebbitt's 'cricket test'.


I was born in South London, Stockwell, moved to FH in Aug 1982, Chelsea FC are base in SW6, hardly Northern

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Post: #7
11-02-2011 04:15 PM

Forest Hilliers
A true fan can never change club where ever they move to. Preople born in SE23/6 like me though should be natural Palace supporters.

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spartan army

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Post: #8
15-02-2011 11:59 PM

Maybe some people in SE23/SE6 should visit this website to see who exactly their closest team is:

You maybe suprised/priveleged to find that most of SE23 and SE6 is closer to Millwall than palace

Maybe you were born in the part of SE23 closer to selhurst park but certainly if you were born in the local hospitals of Lewisham,Kings or Dulwich you would have been born within the sounds of the famous Lions Roar (Hamlet excepted).

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Post: #9
16-02-2011 02:19 PM

Hold on I was talking about football teams.

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Post: #10
16-02-2011 03:21 PM

The thread is called " Message For Any Chelsea Fans In SE23 "

Now im not trying to tell people who were born/live in SE23/SE26/SE6 to support CFC, I was wrting a message to any renegade CFC fans who now call that home

I always look out for the local teams apart from they play CFC, at present, I doubt if CFC would even beat any of them

Surely you should be happy that people who were not born in your area now choose to live there as they like it so much

I will sign off with up the Palace/Lions/Hamlet/Latics, apologies for I may have missed

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Post: #11
16-02-2011 04:21 PM

I was quite surprised to find that Chelsea are my 4th closest team after Millwall/Palace/Charlton, thought there would be one closer than that but my bro who lives about a mile or so away has West Ham and Arsenal before Chelsea. Odd

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Post: #12
17-02-2011 02:51 PM

Why should SE23 'naturally' be the place for Palace fans? Why not Mill Wall? Surely this club is closer?

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Post: #13
17-02-2011 04:41 PM

Loads of CFC fans in Forest Hill in fact just in my road two entire households we are all mates and watch the away games together and put on a good lunch. We are all totally passionate about football. Anytime on a match day if you travel by train the stations FH, Catford, Brockley, HOP are packed with those proud enough to wear the strip with the dismal performance of late.
Most FH residents are very snotty about football [YES I SAID IT LOAD AND CLEAR] just look at the pathetic comments and the fact it's still "considered" a working class sport. Happy to discuss football any day with true blue fans and hear interesting comments. Seems they are most unwelcome on this site judging from the responses. Football support is NOTHING to do with where you are raised or have lived it's about having an affinity to a club, and respect for a great game and players alike; anyway welcome to the site and hope you find some like minded people.

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spartan army

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Post: #14
17-02-2011 06:12 PM

Thanks for the interesting workings of a Chelsea fan mangohead

It would be great if you could clear up a few points though

You say supporting a club has NOTHING to do with where you are raised or have lived but more to do with having an affinity to a club. Without knowing where you are from (not important as you say) I am intrigued by what affinity you have with chelsea. Could it be that you like the colour blue? – if so Millwall also play in blue. Or do you like the noble idea of success gained through spending other peoples ill-gotten gains? It can’t be just for the glory as United have the hold on that in recent times. It can’t be for the pretty football as unless we are talking the late sixties then there have always been teams that have played the beautiful game more beautifully (even with Zola). It can’t be because they are in London as as you said it’s not about where you have lived or were raised. Maybe it’s because (and you alluded to it yourself) it’s the way they have betrayed their original working class support. Maybe its Frank Lampards thighs? Either way, each to their own I suppose – just intrigued.

Be careful of dismissing supporting the local team though as there really is nothing like it. Remember most Paris Saint-Germain supporters live in Paris, most Newcastle supporters live in Newcastle, most Torquay supporters live in Torquay (I think you get the picture). Without local supporters there would be NO great game.

I am most puzzled though by the match day experience of a Chelsea fan though. If I get this right you can be found at local train stations and if it is an away game you will also be eating lunch – is this a packed lunch or something more extravagant – soup perhaps. What about evening matches – can you eat lunch in the evenings – surely that will be supper.

My usual matchday experience involves congregating in the stand and cheering the team on - maybe I have been missing something all these years.

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robin orton

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Post: #15
17-02-2011 06:29 PM

Football support is NOTHING to do with where you are raised or have lived

Sorry if you think I'm one of the snooty ones, 'Mangohead.' But I agree with 'Spartan Army.' When I was a boy in Leicester, everyone in my class at school, without exception, supported Leicester City. 'A' ye gooin' dahn Ci'y Sat'dy?' was what boys said to each other at the end of school on Friday afternoon. We used to envy wistfully the exploits of glamour clubs like Wolves and the Arsenal, but we'd never dream of formally supporting them.

And I've always felt a bit irritated by people who start claiming to be supporters of a club with which they've got no geographical or traditional family connection when it becomes successful (I'm sure you're not in this category!). Isn't a club something to be supported in bad times as well as good?

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Post: #16
17-02-2011 07:49 PM

In answer to your qustion we were talking about football clubs.

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spartan army

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Post: #17
17-02-2011 09:39 PM

brian, the joke lacked wit the 1st time round
but coming from a palace fan it does go with the territory

how are the ultras getting on these days

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Post: #18
17-02-2011 10:20 PM

I noted the comment "Anytime on a match day if you travel by train the stations FH, Catford, Brockley, HOP are packed with those proud enough to wear the strip with the dismal performance of late."

I am confused. This means I need to look out on the train for people with dismal strips (I mean clothes).

I rather lost contact with football once the entry tickets got over £1 and players wages above £20kpa. And when you could stand on terraces.

Though it is quite a close run as to who is richer, a top level player in the Premiership or Bob Diamond of Barclays.

Jeux san Frontieres (Grande Bretagne - nul pointe) was rather more fun and did not attract so much money.

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Post: #19
18-02-2011 09:55 AM

Wish I had not bothered now as it seems to stirred a hornets nest

Agree you should support a team from where your born, as I said I was born in Stockwell, yet spent many of my younger years in hospital in West Brompton, for those of you who dont know where this is, it is right next to Stamford Bridge, my elder brother worked near CFC - so naturally we all supported them, seeing that where we lived near Wandsworth Road was only approx 2-3 miles from CFC - then I would say they were my local team

I have supported CFC through thick and thin, for over 45 years, yes I was there in the old days when we got relegated and was at Bolton when we won 1-0 and this result stopped us dropping into the old 3rd divison, I would agree however on the last post about the cost, quite obsurd, if i go with the 2 kids, it woluld cost nearly £200 per match, thats why we only go to cup games when the cost is approx £55 for all three

I will sign off now as would not want to upset the CPFC/MFC/CAFC/DHFC fans as I know some of them Millwall boys can be a bit rough, should know as nearly everyone i want to school with supported the Lions, most of them were in F Troop

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spartan army

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Post: #20
18-02-2011 02:45 PM

It might just have been that your post was a bit too specific and maybe from the thousands who frequent the local train stations on a match day few could be bothered to reply your post.

Personally I wonder how or if you still manage to relate and associate with a team full of foreign footballers who are only here for the money. I dont think chelsea are the worse for this. Like arsenal in recent seasons where they have not had a single British player playing for them these players could be playing for any other team in europe wearing different colours.

Maybe its just me but during the last world cup I remember hearing all these players names, I knew they played in the premiership but I couldnt tell you who they played for. I reckon I could name you more players from a 1986 Chelsea team than I could from today - I could certainly spell their names more accurately (even Doug Rougvie).

As for chelsea finishing in a coveted champions league place - I obviously dont care too much but from from an outsiders point of view its nice to see different teams play in the competition (albeit spurs). I had had enough of chelsea v liverpool. its also nice we have now at last reached a proper competitive competition unlike the dull group stages - the competition would lose its interest again for me if one country's teams dominates the semi finals though.

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